Astrology readings
Astrology readings will help you to develop a deeper understanding of the situations and circumstances that arise in your personal and professional life.

Astrology readings
Natal Chart
Being aware of your Natal chart will give you the opportunity to look at the core of your Character and Fate.
Fate is changeable, and when a person is aware of his/her true nature, it creates freedom and strength to make better decisions.
Individual astrology chart reveals:
- Capacity – person’s known and unknown qualities and strengths.
- Weaknesses and challenges one has or will have
- A set of opportunities (their timely expression)
Natal Astrology Readings analyze the patterns embedded in the Natal Chart and how individual characteristics, personal intentions, and vision get expressed through the physical environment.
Natal Astrology Reading examines the influences of the Stems /Branches, 5 Elements and the 12 houses of the Polestar system of Chinese astrology that is based on the date and time of birth.

Astrology readings
Progression Reading
Astrological influences change each year and decade. Progress Readings are best for a review of:
- current personal issues,
- short and long-term planning (career, relationships, financial and spiritual matters),
- ongoing influences of your Natal Chart.

Astrology readings
Compatibility Reading
Compatibility Readings allow you to compare two charts. If you are planning to get married or trying to stay married Compatibility Reading is for you.
It is best for life partners, but can also be applied to business partners.

Astrology readings
Divination Reading
This basic Yijing (I CHING) reading answers specific questions concerning life choices and current relationships.
Guided introduction to the text and two hexagram reading and its interpretation integrating Natal chart capacity and potential.

Astrology readings
Date Selection
Select auspicious date(s) for marriage, traveling, buying, selling, moving, renovating, groundbreaking, signing of contracts, and official openings.
I attribute the increase to the changes we made which were relatively inexpensive and easy.

Astrology Readings with Aelita Leto
Let's find harmony for your home, office and life together.