Welcome to the ZeFeng International Academy of Feng Shui Online Zoom Class with Howard Choy Please fill out your name and email address below so that we can send you information for this course. Name Email Send me information for this class Please mark your calendar with these dates Saturday, January 22, 2022: 9:00 am – noon PSTSunday, January 23, 2022: 9:00 am – noon PST Zoom Call Details Join Zoom Meeting herehttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/85002806743?pwd=dUx2aXVVQ1A0MWJmYkdORXZORGZmQT09Meeting ID: 850 0280 6743Passcode: ox2021 We’ll be sending you updates and reminders and look forward to seeing you in this class on January 22, 2022!